Thursday 5 March 2015


here comes the festival of colors
to invade the lonely to wash the dullers
a fantastic zest is seen all time
that is sure to last on everyone's mind

no excuses are entertained just pure lovely ruthless playing
people dance their hearts out as if that would be the last time they would be enjoying
sweetmeats are in abundance
that leave people happiness's den

they say even enemies hug to this day
and make merry and drink to the end of day
splendid times,naughty giggles,conscious absent
sadness and pain to far away land sent

oh this festival!!!!
is a splendid carnival!!!!
that reminds us of joy
and makes us realise
no matter what just to your last breathe ENJOY!!!!

Tuesday 3 March 2015


emotions cant be simply figured out
cant be understood cant be told about
these damned thoughts simply get deeply latched
and always an unknown plot is hatched
these figments of mind 
are not always kind
they dawdle your time
and play a nasty mime

the shrewd ones being almost up on guard
to fling you endlessly in a cruel game of cards
the weakening of self,and no one to help
adds more to the wounds
such are these nasty hounds

no matter what we have to live with these
for these can never leave us alone
the memories bitter sweet will linger in these nostalgic forms
which will only leave us when from this earth we are gone

Saturday 7 February 2015


The most diabolical of them all
which doesnt waits fo
r any plea any call
and which may leave you apall
this is war the crueler of all

It doesnt sees your family or your kin
But ferociously makes a blood filled din
many have perished in this cursed quicksand
but the horror seems never ending but only more to expand

Many wailing mothers and wives
their pain inconsolable and wide
the swollen eyes question the paths
when their son,husband,brother would cross past?

They say war is freedom and liberation
to free the world from grim desolation
well but at what cost will that world be free??
On the dead braves for whom hopes were never meant to be

Wars do have a lone survivor
who would by now be in graves of guilt
of endless lifeless bodies 
of which the castle of his victory he had built.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Carnival of life

welcome all to the carnival of life
where poor you,are always in strife
mixed waters of pain and joy
you have to gulp oh boy!!

where things take stark unexpected turns
from ecstasy to emotional burns
a haphazard shackle
that no one has perfectly tackled

the clowns here try to pleasure you
for an unknown mysterious profit,
that has something bizarre,misfit
and we,gullible as ever go for the shows
which return us the sorrows

enough money could be spent here
but time and love are little figures here
so one gets the money but not its worth
and fools himself of a luxurious berth

this carnival can be dangerously bumpy
and cottoncandys are shortlived fancies
the one who balances the time
gets the worth of his dime

whatever happens it is a carnival at last
where everyone has sweet bitter past
the way we live here will determine
whether we are helpless or sanguine.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Old Couple

i was going on a leisure walk
with only myself to talk
as i advanced for the park
i saw a beautiful sight

an old couple,free by others presence
were glancing into each other with great inclination
the weary smiles were the witnesses
that they had arrived for their final destination

the inevitable fights,that bonded them so tight
the tears of realisation after which made everything right
the goodday kisses that were a promise
that they will remember each other in bliss

they had seen tough times too
all the high and low blues
but still determined like rocks
held on to happy hues

their beautiful daughter married and fine
and they visit her family once every month to dine
a grandchild too was to come
grandma,grandpa they were to become

as they talked about this with great satisfaction
and were holding hands in some unknown expectation
as if something still has to be spoken
a solitude dream about to be awaken

as i saw these couple unfold their beautiful past
which would for the infinite last
they had nothing to say nothing to reach
just sitting on there exchanging love to each

i walked past them,a feeling of ecstasy
that made me fervent about their bonding and happy
the satiated looks on their face unaltered
spoke volumes about their relations which never faltered


sitting on a cranked seat i wondered
as to why to loneliness i had surrendered
i had many options in me
i helplessly over and over pondered

what costed me my happiness
and brough this unberable loneliness
my past was clear no doubt
and the rest i didnt knew about

my friends were happy with me
always trusted them and they supported me
but one day my wealth vanished and so did they
and never did they came back for anything to say!

my parents were proud of me
loved me to brim
and never ever left me grim
but the angels took them away
leaving loads of void impossible to weigh

my wife the most beautiful of them all
stood by my side all the time
left me apall one day to find someone better then me
didnt mattered to her so wrectched one could be

the chair creaked,it too had enough of me
i guess was asking me to leave and be worthy
i smiled,a meloncholy smile
and walked back a weary mile.

Thursday 29 January 2015


a fervent emotion
that sucks the notions
of happiness and glee
and make you die deep

they say pain has many forms
some repairable some not
some forgettable some not
some bearable some some not

pain o pain!!why everyone avoids you
it is your presence that makes people search for a happy hue
your inevitability is the greatest boon i suppose
that stands between ecstasy and succumb

even i too have cursed you at times
as you played a perfect antagonist many times
but it was a lesson concealed behind your advent
that affected every time my past,future,and the present

"bear me and you bear yourself"your concealed words
goshh!!i couldnt decipher you,you were'nt heard
your valleys were silent with only miles to walk
a teary lesson that we silently talked

but those things made it what i am
a silent willful vowed sane
who has got out of every rattrap that held him
and pain by my side as a silent benefactor within.

Monday 26 January 2015


as i sat besides gushing waters,
And thought about the things that matters,
lost in the sounds of waters,
I recounted the old memories,

Those silly things me and my friends did,
The people were hell tired and pissed,
Those bizzare funny pranks,
Would make even satan blank

The get togethers and the jolly dinners,
That would wait for us in eager,
As we made our way to home,
With uncontrolable hunger.

We would be there with each other in sorrows,
And comfort each other with palpable laughs,
And the pains would vanish never to return

As i recounted these memories i understood this,
The nearest ones are always in sight never to be missed,
As the waters grew denser,
my memories decreased,
And i lay down in peace waiting for those things to happen again.

Sunday 25 January 2015


independence yeah!!!what a nice word
for some it may sound absurd
freedom means a fantastic life
a life of joy a life of half strife

but at what cost o man!!think once
many greats had to waltz with grim's tunes
the blood of so many
carve the freedom glory

the road to independence was a great tiring bloody walk
which we only on occasions talk
though we think we are free
but we are puppets of atrocious system which is so called "FREE"

hear my people!if you truly have to liberate
unite unanimously to this date
and ponder over what we have to act
to make the sacrifices worth it,and fight

shake the daft and grip each others
and act for a truly independent future
free from apartheid,atrocity and communal rupture
then we could proudly say
the independence is on our way!!

Saturday 24 January 2015


ohhh!! see those golden bangles,
that is carved exquisitely from so many angles,
that smile which speaks volumes of emotions,
and bitter sweet of everyday notions,

but a sad transition could be felt always,
as to something that has been bugging her,
even amongst her kins she feels void,
a something paranoic grips her tight.

she thinks of her past a past filled with pain
treachery,wretchedness and disdain
she was abused alas!! those evil shadows
that promised her safe and happy meadows

a pearl of sweat rushes down her beating throat
as she carries on her "I AM HAPPY" act
what has life come to her
this she doesnt seemed to decipher

as people laughed with her,she laughed more
but a deep sorrow grew and washed her heart ashore
what a dilemma o god!!she thought
she couldnt share her pain that she unknowingly bought

her husband constantly eyes her
for a chance to catch her with some folly
and this dreads her regularly
imaginig the horrors of aftermath that would happen inevitably

how long could she take this?it was enough
but amidst the shackles of so called traditions she was deaf
to her own pains
and it seemed she will carry on eternally this useless painful responsibility in no sanes!!

Friday 23 January 2015

the wish

an angel came up and sat next to me
i was in disbelief and clearly wasnt at all ready
asked me to make a wish and it will be granted
anything that i had always wanted

as i was to open my mouth
a small child came up all down and out
asked for some food and helplessly looke upon me
his sight weaved with great pains and agony
the whole world was a cruel place for him
and bereft of all luxuries walking on a tiny beam
of hope and want
and though shant
never be happy again
i studied this creature deeply
and completely forgot the moments with angel before
and looked upon the truth o creepy!!

that there were thousands of destitute
waiting to be uplifted and care
to cover their helpless wretched bare
i came back from my thoughts and cried from inside
"why this filthy diabolical divide??"

"o angel if you could give this kid what he wants"-i pleaded to her
make his life happy and full of prosper
she smiled,her mission was over
if you could urge people to be compassionate
and care the needy the destitute the frail
your wish would be more than granted
and your soul will be at peace that you had always wanted

puffff!!!i wokeup from my dream
but a dream that was more than real
that had taught me something
deep and engaging
if i could share peace and happiness that will surely make me release
and grant me my long wanted wish!!!